Sunday, March 14, 2010


“Being content with what You have “

Being content with what I have!!
What do I have..
Being content with what You have,
Is your being content with what you have,
What do you have ..
Being content with what he/she has,
Is he/ she content with what he/she have,
What does he/she have..
Being content with what they have,
Are they content with what they have,
What do they have..
Being content with what we have,
Are we content with what we have,
What do we have..

Being with what I the intellect has,
Is my being what the Intellect has,
Intellect expresses what the being has,
Intellect compares and expresses what the beings have…

The above reminds me of two quotes..

“I think therefore I am”-Rene Descartes

“Tatvamasi”- meaning You are that- meaning I am that

–The intellect is ever in movement just like that river..
"The source of all creation "